And they played with my life and I don't know, they…they destroyed me.' 'Today I feel like they lied to me, they treated me like nothing, like a toy.
'Before, I felt like it was paradise, it was honestly paradise,' Alex told ABC News last month. Their names and the details of their convictions were not released by the court. Today, two men were sentenced in a Dubai court to 15 years each in prison in the case. Alex was living in Dubai when he says he was gang raped at knifepoint, beginning an ordeal that has shed light on how Dubai's justice system treats victims of violent sex crimes.
But beyond the sandy beaches and tourist attractions, the western dress and the bustling buildings, Dubai is struggling to modernize one aspect of its conservative Muslim culture: the taboos and treatment of sexual violence.ġ6-year-old French-Swiss Alexandre Robert and his mother Veronique were the perfect example of Dubai's cosmopolitan makeup. 12, 2007— - Dubai - with its world-famous luxury hotels and what will soon be the world's tallest building - is the Arab world's most modern oasis.